9th International Workshop on Modern Language Runtimes, Ecosystems, and VMsMoreVMs 2025
The 9th MoreVMs workshop aims to bring together industrial and academic programmers to discuss the design, implementation, and usage of modern languages and runtimes.
This includes aspects such as reuse of language runtimes, modular implementation, language design, compilation strategies, as well as the interaction of modern languages and runtimes with operating systems and modern hardware architectures.
By bringing together both researchers and practitioners, the workshop aims to enable a diverse discussion on how languages and runtimes are currently being utilized, and where they need to improve further.
Call for Extended Abstracts and Talks
The 9th MoreVMs workshop aims to bring together industrial and academic programmers to discuss the design, implementation, and usage of modern languages and runtimes.
This includes aspects such as reuse of language runtimes, modular implementation, language design, compilation strategies, as well as the interaction of modern languages and runtimes with operating systems and modern hardware architectures.
By bringing together both researchers and practitioners, the workshop aims to enable a diverse discussion on how languages and runtimes are currently being utilized, and where they need to improve further.
MoreVMs welcomes early-stage work, emerging ideas, insightful discussions of existing systems, as well as extended abstracts for publication in the ACM DL.
Relevant topics include, but are definitely not limited to, the following:
- Extensible VM design (compiler- or interpreter-based VMs)
- Reusable components (e.g. interpreters, garbage collectors, …)
- Static and dynamic compilation techniques
- Techniques for targeting high-level languages such as JavaScript
- Interoperability between languages
- Tooling support (e.g. debugging, profiling, etc.)
- Programming language development environments
- Interaction of virtual machines, operating systems, and computer architecture
- Case studies of existing language implementation approaches
- Language implementation challenges and trade-offs
- Surveys and experience reports to understand usage in the wild
- Survey and analysis of existing VMs and compilers
- Ideas for more predictable performance
- Ideas for how VMs could take advantage of new hardware features
- Ideas for how we should build languages in the future
Workshop Format and Submissions
We welcome presentation proposals in the form of extended abstracts, talk proposals, or blog posts. The content can range from discussing new techniques, insights, experiences, works-in-progress, experimental setups, as well as future visions, from either an academic or industrial perspective.
The extended abstracts, talk proposals, and if the speakers wish, their slides, will be published on the workshop’s website. Extended abstracts can also be included in the workshop proceedings.
Experimental Setups
Experiments in our field become harder and harder with the growing complexity of our software and hardware stacks. To support the preparation of experiments, which may require major engineering efforts, we solicit the submission of experimental setups for feedback. Such submissions should briefly discuss what the experiments are meant to show and then describe the experimental setup, but should explicitly not discuss any results. We recommend the format of an extended abstract for such submissions.
Submission Formats
- Talk proposal: title and 400 word abstract, no PDF submission needed,
- Extended Abstract: 2 to 4 pages, intended for publication in proceedings, see details below
- Blog post: title, ca. 100 word abstract, and URL to post or HTML/PDF of post draft.
Please note that MoreVMs’25 is organized as a non-profit, academic workshop, and as such, speakers will be required to register for the workshop to cover the costs.
Instructions for Publication of Extended Abstract
The workshop proceedings will be published as part of the <Programming> conference companion in Dagstuhl’s OpenAccess Series in Informatics, which uses paper template available on the OASIcs web page. Please use the appropriate template for the your submission and camera-ready version.
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Stefan or Filip.