Research on programming languages is among the core and ‘classic’ disciplines of computer science. Today the term computer languages usually encompasses not only programming languages but also all sorts of artificial languages for different purposes whose ‘sentences’ can be processed by a computer.

The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for the dissemination of research accomplishments in areas that include all aspects of computer languages: theory, implementation, and processing and analysis tools. Following the current trends in software development, SCLIT 2025 will pay special attention to supporting multilingual software development and dedicated cross-language implementations, techniques and tools.

Call for Papers

SCLIT welcomes submissions that are the result of original and unpublished research. The scope of the workshop is wide and versatile within the theme of computer languages. Particularly, SCLIT invites papers that include, but are not limited to the following topics:

  • Languages: theoretical aspects of programming languages, programming paradigms, script languages, modelling languages, domain-specific languages, graphical languages, markup languages, specification languages, transformation languages, formal languages, intermediate languages…

  • Implementations: Compilers, debuggers, interpreters, virtual machines, transformation systems, translators, transpilers, intermediate representations, …

  • Tools: software metrics, static analyzers, clone detectors, abstract interpreters, visualizers, …

We especially encourage submissions addressing problems encompassing multiple languages in a language-independent or cross-language manner.

Paper contributions should not exceed 8 pages, including all figures, tables, and bibliography. Submissions will be managed on the EasyChair submission portal. We receive your submissions at the submission page

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the international program committee.

Accepted submissions will be published as part of the conference companion. Our preferred venue is the Dagstuhl OpenAccess Series in Informatics, which uses a paper template available on the OASIcs web page. We will be able to confirm the publisher for the conference companion by 15 February, so please check back here for final formatting guidelines. We will ask you to use the appropriate template for the camera-ready version but will accept submissions using any usual computer science paper format (OASIcs, ACM, etc.).

Questions? Use the SCLIT contact form.