Matthias Hauswirth

Registered user since Tue 8 Apr 2014

Name:Matthias Hauswirth

I am an Associate-Professor at the USI (Università della Svizzera italiana) in Lugano, Switzerland.

At USI I am heading Luce, the Lugano Computing Education research lab ( where we study how people learn to program and how to improve that learning process. I am a member of the program committee of the Swiss national program to train existing high school teachers to teach the new mandatory informatics course ( and I am co-directing a similar state-wide program in Ticino.

As part of my lab’s work on conceptual change in learning to program, we contribute to the growing repository of programming misconceptions at ( Amongst other things, that repository maps misconceptions to features of specific programming languages, with links to the corresponding sections of the official language specifications.

Affiliation:USI Lugano
Research interests:Learning to Program, Programming Languages, Conceptual Change, Notional Machines, Mastery Learning


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