Registered user since Mon 24 Apr 2023
Professor Murillo is currently a Full Professor in the field of Software Engineering at the University of Extremadura (Spain). He develops his research activity within the Quercus Software Engineering Group which he contributed to create in 1995. Currently, he leads the SPILab (Social and Pervasive Innovation Lab) which is focused on the development of service technology for mobile devices. Regarding the involvement in services to society, Professor Murillo and his lab are members of the Spanish Network of Excellence Science and Engineering Services. He is also a member of the management board of SISTEDES (Spanish Society of Software Engineering and Software Development Technologies).
With respect to knowledge transfer to industry and society, Prof. Murillo was a co-funder and CEO of GLOIN S.L.. The company won the Launchpad Denmark, a competition where more than 200 companies from all over the world participated. This allowed the company to run an acceleration process guided by Accelerace in Copenhagen. Prof. Murillo was awarded by University of Extremadura for his excellence in the knowledge and research results transfer.
Since 2012, the SPILab team has specialized in building distributed, service-oriented architectures for mobile devices. Their main contributions have been the Internet of People (IoP) concept and the People as a Service (PeaaS) architecture. Both promote considering mobile devices as an infrastructure integrated in the cloud in which services can be deployed. These concepts were some of the precursors of the need for what we know today as Fog and Mist Computing. In all this research, the application areas were that of health and aging. Finally, from 2018, the practical problems faced in the field of health have led him to open a new research direction related to the development of software for quantum systems and its integration with classical service-oriented ones.
In this field of Quantum Software Engineering, Prof. Murillo is currently involved in the development of the QHealth project, which deals with the modeling of systems in the field of pharmacogenomics for the development of precision medicine. This project funded by the Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) is being developed jointly with the companies Alhambra Consulting, Gloin S.L. and Madrija S.L.. Also, as part of the work in this field, Prof. Murillo is leading the QSERV project, a proposal developed jointly with the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Prof. Mario Piattini and University of Deusto for the development of service technology that supports the construction of hybrid classical/quantum systems granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Most recently, Prof. Murillo was appointed General Manager of the Foundation of Computing and Advanced Technologies of Extremadura (COMPUTAEX). COMPUTAEX was created in 2009 by the regional government of Extremadura to promote the development of information technology, the use of intensive computation and advanced communications. The foundation manages CenitS, the Center for Research, Technological Innovation and Supercomputing. CenitS manages the supercomputer LUSITANIA which is a Singular Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (ICTS) recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. COMPUTAEX is a member of the Spanish Supercomputing Network. Prof. Murillo will contribute to the specialization of CenitS in the fields of Health and Energy as well as the development of quantum software technologies to enable quantum computing as future HPC. The Foundation is currently one of the partners of the Quantum Spain project which aims to build the first quantum computing in Spain and provide with quantum simulation capabilities to a network of supercomputers.
Prof. Murillo has given keynotes on Quantum Software Engineering at several forums such as the International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2022) or the 2nd Quantum Software Engineering and Technology Workshop (Q-SET 2021). Last March he has also given the PhD. course “Quantum Computing from a Software Engineering Perspective” at the Bertinoro International Spring School (BECS 2023).